Reviews of Fruit by WIll Heron

Want to leave a review after reading Will Heron's latest crime comedy thriller, Fruit.

Most of the reviews can be found on Amazon and Good Reads.

If you have read Fruit and loved or hated it, i'd love to know. All feedback is welcome and the only way authors can improve their writing for their readers.

Good Reads is a great site if you aren't familiar with it, you can find authors and almost every book on it, it can suggest amazing new books to you and you can check out honest feedback on any books before you dive in.

Amazon of course is Amazon.

You can read Fruit by Will Heron on Amazon Kindle Unlimited as well as being able to buy a Hardcover copy or a paperback with next day delivery on Prime.

Here are a couple of very nice 5 Star reviews from readers on Good Reads

Kate O'Shea:

Absolutely insane and hilarious. I snorted my way through this brilliant debut novel (laughter not drugs obviously).

Adam is back in Britain after an enforced stay in Spain. He's looking for a nice, peaceful nothing of a job that'll keep him in funds and out of bother. A position selling fruit in a lay-by? Couldn't be duller right?

So wrong. What follows is an utterly bonkers tale of hooky fruit, New Forest weirdos, terrifying families, Police, more fruit, Wimbledon, a psychotic fruit-flinging boss, an even more worrying amount of violence, yet more fruit and a suave, sophisticated baguette-wielding French hitman.

Not sure what else you need except to say that the peaceful summer job lazing about and scoffing the odd strawberry soon descends into nighttime raids in dairy farms, more strawberries than you've ever believed existed and Adam moving up the company chain to a level that could get him injured, jailed or even killed - who knew fruit could be so dangerous.

I loved this book. If you don't mind a bit of violence, swearing and crimes against strawberries then I beg you to read this. I think this has to be my favourite summer read ever. Thankyou Will Heron.

Highly recommended.


Emma Cook:

Oh my god, this book is BRILLIANT!! It's absolutely hilarious with lots of sweary words and genius storyline.

Adam thinks he is going to get an easy job selling fruit in lay-bys during Summer, well, he certainly does sell fruit and then a lot more. He goes on a hilarious crime spree with the most outrageous characters. Mr Baguette was a particular favourite that stood out. I belly laughed all the way through, I could easily picture this on TV.
Honestly, this has shot up to be one of my favourite reads this year, it was perfect to read and gave me a right boost.

If you want a lighthearted (but sweary) funny read, this is for you! I'm going to laugh each time I drive by one of these lay-bys! Strawberries or Cherries?


Dennis Cartwright:

First time author Will Heron smashes out the park!

Think A303, think lay-bys with strawberries for sale, think of the innocents it appears from selling strawberries in a lay-by from the local farm, the think again.

Gangland style territories, fake traffic jams and a hitman called Mr Baguette.

You will not be disappointed in this book! Buy it! Read it! Give it your friends to read!



In this book we meet Adam who is one of life's victims. He has just returned from a "holiday" in Spain and when I say "holiday" I don't mean the sort you voluntarily serve in a hotel! Anyway, he is a bit down on his luck so he agrees to take a job covering holiday for a lay-by fruit seller... Expecting an easy life, he is shocked when the actual ins and outs of lay-by fruit selling is exposed... with occasional tragic and often funny outcomes...
I loved this book from the moment I read the synopsis. I had it down in my head as being a tad bonkers in nature and, indeed, it is just that. But it is oh so more and really opened my eyes about what I actually believe to be the wholly credible workings of an interesting industry. Oh how disappointed I will be if I am proved wrong - but hey ho!
Anyway... I took to Adam right from the start. He's one of life's victims I guess but he doesn't really let that get him down too much. And this is proved by the way he throws himself into his new job. Rather than run at the first sign of trouble, or the second, or third, he actually, well... you'll have to read the book to find out the detail. I'm not about to spoil things.
Where I expected a light read, some of it was quite deep, and also a tad political. But also very much tongue in cheek. It's hard to really explain without giving examples but you really need to sample all the delights delivered by this story as the author intends. Suffice to say I did get the odd funny look when I burst out laughing on the bus.
All in all a cracking read that I thoroughly enjoyed. I really can't wait to see what the author has in store for next time.


Tyler Marshall:

As you can tell by the unique name of this book you’re going to be in for a wild ride!

I loved how the author wrote this action packed thriller, right from the beginning you are in on the drama and get to meet Adam the mc and as far as characters go he’s such a relatable and interesting person that you can’t help but be sucked into his story from the start.

This was such a never seen by me before plot that had tons of twists and turns that kept me on my toes during the whole book. I love how we went from selling fruit to the underground criminal underworld in such a smooth transition I didn’t even question it, this read was full of humour, mystery and action and I was loving every second of it!

If you’re looking for your next thriller novel that you will most definitely be reading in a day then you need to pick up FRUIT! I hope to be reading more by this author soon.


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