Fruit by Will Heron

Fruit is out now as a paperback or eBook.

Fruit is the first novel by Will Heron, a sticky crime comedy thriller set amongst the blood-soaked fruit stalls of South West England.

Fruit follows the eternally underachieving Adam as he attempts to leave his murky past
behind him. He unexpectedly finds himself in a sticky criminal underworld of dodgy
strawberry deals, crooked cops and shotgun-toting pirates.

After a sweltering summer of territorial disputes with local rivals, he is forced to help a
baguette-wielding French hitman dispose of the competition. His journey reaches an
explosive end as the Police close in. But all is not as it seems in the dark world of Fruit


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What is a Will Heron?

Will Heron is a new author who moved to the South West 3 years ago during the Pandemic and has been trying to escape its rain and cakes ever since.

His first book is a darkly comedic satirical look at the weirdness of rural England and the allure of the British criminal underworld.

He has written several best-selling unreleased books and when not spinning in his chair, he writes crime fiction thrillers, all with dark comedic elements.

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